Hamidah Hendrarini
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, East Java "Veteran" National Development University, Surabaya, 60294 Indonesia
14 Publications
Research Article
Open Access
Inventory of Raw Materials and Business Feasibility in Tempe Agroindustry in Sedenganmijen Village, Sidoarjo District
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Teguh Soedarto,
Ayu Putri Sindy Rusdianto,
Risqi Firdaus Setiawan

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Raw material inventory is goods purchased which are made into raw materials in a production process. One important factor in a business is the supply of raw materials which are the main source in the course of production. This study aims to determine the process of making tempe, find out the optimum supply of raw materials, analyze business feasibility and find out opportunities and constraints on tempe craftsmen. This research uses census method with a population of 42 tempe craftsmen. The analysis used to analyze raw material inventory is EOQ analysis using POM software. For business feasibility analysis using the R / C ratio. The results showed that after being analyzed using the EOQ method, the optimal number of purchases of raw materials increases with the decreasing frequency of purchases that can be applied at the study site in order to reduce inventory costs. In terms of the feasibility of making tempe, it can already be said to be feasible to be cultivated because it has an R/C ratio value in 2018 of 1.19 and in 2019 of 1.17.
Research Article
Open Access
Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness of using Rice Transplanter in Mojokerto District
Nur Saifuddin Al Anshori,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Pawana Nur Indah

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A rice transplanter is a tool for planting rice seeds with a uniform amount, depth, spacing, and planting conditions. The application of agricultural mechanization in this case the use of rice transplanters is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources, and farming activities can be completed more timely, thus providing better results. This study aimed to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of using a rice transplanter to increase farmers' income in the Mojokerto Regency. This research was conducted on 50 respondents (20 rice transplanter farmers and 30 conventional farmers) from Mojokerto Regency. Data analysis methods are cost analysis, farm income, and income, farming efficiency analysis (B/C ratio), and farming effectiveness analysis. The results of this study indicate that the average income using a rice transplanter is greater than that of conventional rice farming. Rice farming using a rice transplanter is more efficient than conventional rice farming. Based on production factors, the effectiveness of the application of rice transplanter is categorized as quite effective, while conventional farming is categorized as ineffective.
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Open Access
Factors Affecting Employee Performance in Pt. Serikat Sejahtera Utama
Novan Noviansyah,
Indra Tjahaja Amir,
Hamidah Hendrarini
Employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity that can be achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him. The company must also carry out social functions internally and externally to ensure the welfare of its members as well as having an impact on the survival of the company. To be able to compete with other similar industries, companies must have competitive advantages that are very difficult to imitate, which will only be obtained from employees who are productive, innovative, creative, always enthusiastic and loyal. This study aims to analyze the effect of work motivation on employee performance, work supervision affects employee performance, work discipline affects employee performance and job satisfaction affects employee performance at PT. Play Welfare Union. This research was conducted at PT. Union Prosperous Utama with the consideration that the location is an agribusiness institution, especially in the field of mechanization technology for sugarcane farming equipment at PT. Nusantara XII Plantation in Banyuwangi area. The object of this research is the employees of the mechanization department at PT. Serikat Sejahtera Utama. The sample used in this study amounted to 56 respondents, sampling using the Random Sampling formula. The analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of the study that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, if employees get high motivation it will improve their performance. Work supervision has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, if employees are supervised or controlled during work then employees will feel supervised and this can improve employee performance.
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Open Access
The Effect of Green Marketing with Consumer Buying Interest Mediation on Purchase Decisions in Modern Store, Mojokerto City
Prameswari Maulidatul 'Uula,
Indra Tjahaja Amir,
Hamidah Hendrarini
In the 21st century now, the condition of the earth is currently experiencing a fairly serious problem, namely the occurrence of global warming. The largest contributor to waste is food and beverage packaging, with the largest number being 146 million tons per year. This means that the green marketing strategy for the mineral water product of the Ades brand has been proven to have led to consumer buying decision behavior to buy the product. This study aims to analyze the effect of green marketing products on consumer buying interest, analyze the effect of consumer buying interest products on consumer purchasing decisions, the effect of green marketing on consumer purchasing decisions and analyze buying interest variables as a mediating variable that has an indirect influence on green marketing and decisions. consumer purchases at Modern Stores in Mojokerto City. The location for collecting research information was in the city of Mojokerto, East Java. Collecting information from 3 modern shops in Mojokerto City which were selected intentionally (purposively). The data processing is carried out in 3 modern stores in the Mojokerto City area, including Carrefour, Superindo, and Sanrio. The reason the researcher chose the 3 stores was with the consideration that these 3 modern stores were implementing green marketing in serving their consumers. The analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of the study show that green marketing has a positive and significant effect on buying interest, buying interest has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, green marketing has a positive but not significant effect on purchasing decisions and the buying interest variable can be an intervening variable in green marketing on purchasing decisions. Without the help of other factors, consumer purchasing decisions will stagnate on the results achieved previously.
Research Article
Open Access
Efficiency of Production Factors Usage on Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor L) (Case in Keyongan Village, Babat Sub-District, Lamongan Regency)
Evi Maf'idatul Ilmi,
Indra Tjahaja Amir,
Hamidah Hendrarini
The purpose of this research is to analyze the level of efficiency in the use of sorghum farming production factors and the factors that influence sorghum farming in Keyongan Village, Babat Sub-District, Lamongan Regency. This research uses the Snowball Sampling method with a total sample of 80 people. In the method of data analysis using descriptive and qualitative data analysis methods with production function analysis tools, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), and economic efficiency analysis. The results showed that the factors of seed production, organic fertilizers, and labor had a positive and significant effect on the production of sorghum farming, while Urea, NPK, foliar fertilizers, and pesticides had no significant effect. The results of the efficiency analysis obtained an average technical efficiency value of 0.982, which means that the use of production factors in the study area is quite efficient because the efficiency value is more than 0.8. Influencing factors of technical inefficiency negatively and significantly are the labor dependents and employment status. Meanwhile, the age and length of farming had no significant effect. The value of allocative efficiency in sorghum farming in the study area is 1.80, which means that the allocation of production factors is not price efficient. So it is necessary to add the factors of seed production, organic fertilizers and labor. The economic efficiency value of sorghum farming is 1.78 so that sorghum farming in the study area is not economically efficient.
Research Article
Open Access
Perception and Interest of Youth in Agricultural Sector Work, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency
Ahmad Ramadhan,
Mubarokah ,
Hamidah Hendrarini

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Agriculture plays an important role in the economy and development of Indonesia, one of the sectors that was able to survive the Covid 19 pandemic. however, there is a potential loss of the farmer profession in Indonesia, because the youth are not interested in the profession as farmers and prefer other sector jobs. In Sidoarjo Regency, the population working in the agricultural sector is very small compared to other sectors. Meanwhile, the labor structure of farmers is dominated by the elderly population. Based on this, research on rural youth's perception of agricultural sector work needs to be carried out. This study aims to describe the perception of youth towards agricultural sector work, factors that influence perception, describe youth interest in agricultural sector work, and factors that influence youth interest in agricultural sector work. This research uses a descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through observation, interviews with questionnaire guides, and literature studies. The research location in Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency, from July to September 2022, the sample used was 100 respondents. The analysis in this study used frequency tabulation and structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS) using the WarpPLS program. The results showed that 1) the perception of youth towards agricultural sector work is in the category of poor with details: perception of work comfort in the category of very uncomfortable, perception of income in the category of less favorable, perception of social status of work in the less prestigious category, 2) youth interest in agricultural sector work is classified as moderate, 3) Age and family background have a negative and significant effect on Perceptions of youth, socialization of employment, influence of parents, and access to information have a significant positive effect on the perception of youth, socioeconomic status has no significant effect on the perception of youth towards agricultural sector work, 4) perception has a positive and significant effect on youth interest in agricultural sector work.
Research Article
Open Access
The Effect of Green Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decisions by Greenly Salad Consumers in Surabaya
Almira Parahita Soekarno,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Sigit Dwi Nugroho

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This study aims to identify consumer characteristics and analyze the effect of green marketing mix on consumer purchasing decisions of Greenly salad in Surabaya. The method used in this research is quantitative using descriptive data analysis and Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The number of respondents in this study was 104 people consisting of various groups and ages, They must be over 17 years old and have made a purchase at the Greenly Salads outlet in Surabaya with intensity once in the last six months. Data collection takes place through the dissemination of questionnaires. Data processing is carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with the SMART-PLS 3.3.3 application. In this study, results were obtained, namely the significant influence of the green marketing mix on the purchase decision of Greenly salad in Surabaya. The percentage of influence of the green marketing mix on purchasing decisions is 63.40 percent. In the study, it was concluded that respondents' responses related to the green marketing mix variables (green product, green place, and green price) had a significant effect on purchasing decisions, but the green promotion and green physical evidence variables did not have a significant effect.
Research Article
Open Access
Feasibility Analysis and Development Dairy Farming Business in Tropodo Village, Krian District, Sidoarjo Regency
Nurul Anna Yanti,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Indra Tjahaja Amir

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Dairy farming business has good potential to be developed due to the increasing national milk consumption. So that to meet the nation's demand for milk consumption, the dairy farming industry must expand. The purpose of this study was to analyze financial and non-financial feasibility dairy farming, sensitivity, and potential for developing a dairy farming. This research is located in Tropodo Village, Krian District, Sidoarjo Regency and was conducted in July 2022. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a total of 10 respondents. The data collected in this study was analyzed by financial feasibility analysis method, sensitivity analysis and descriptive analysis. The result show that breeders was consider non-financial aspects is not a scary thing. The value of NPV in dairy farming bussiness was bigger than 0, Net B/C was bigger than 1, and IRR was greater than 6%. The Pay Period analysis of the dairy farming bussiness showed that the initial cash outflow of investment could be recovered less than 15 years. So that, dairy farming business in Tropodo Village Krian District Sidoarjo Regency was feasible to be developed. Meanwhile the result of sensitivity analysis show that the dairy farming bussiness still feasible to continue despite the input prices (feed) and the amount of ouput was increase 15%. Natural increases value was 46,44% (low), so to develop the dairy farming bussiness was not just dependent on the findings of feasibility studies, it also takes into account other factors like available natural and human resources and political direction
Research Article
Open Access
The Influence of Social Media Advertising and word of Mouth on Product Improvement Decisions Wreath at Citra Florist Surabaya
Fattaheza Figo Pradana Putra,
Eko Priyanto,
Hamidah Hendrarini

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This research was motivated by a decline in sales and a decrease in purchasing decisions at Citra Florist Surabaya. Meanwhile, the level of use of social media in Indonesia is getting higher. Therefore, a strategy or innovation is needed to influence purchasing decisions so that in the next year there will be an increase in the number of sales. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of social media advertising (X1) and Word Of Mouth (X2) on the purchase decision (Y) of bouquet products at Citra Florist Surabaya. The method used in this study is quantitative, using descriptive data analysis and Structural Equation Model Partial (SEM-PLS). The sample for this study was determined by the purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out through the dissemination of questionnaires. The number of respondents in this study was 100 people, consisting of various groups and various ages. Data processing is carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with the Smart-PLS 3.0 application. In this study, the results were obtained that Social Media Advertising and Word Of Mouth had a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions.
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Open Access
Marketing Channel Analysis of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum FRUTESCENS L) in Pucuk Village, Dawarblandong Sub-District, Mojokerto Regency
Putri Ambarwati,
Nuriah Yuliati,
Hamidah Hendrarini

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The marketing of cayenne pepper is different from other agricultural commodities, because the price of cayenne pepper is always fluctuating. In a marketing, it involves marketing institutions to distribute cayenne pepper to the final consumer. This study aims to (i) describe the marketing channels and functions of each marketing channel, (ii) analyze the margins and marketing costs of each marketing channel in Pucuk Village, Dawarblandong District, Mojokerto Regency. This research was conducted in Pucuk Village in April - May 2022. The sampling technique of farmers was accidental sampling by taking 10% of the total population of cayenne pepper farmers and the sample of marketing institutions was carried out by snowball sampling. Data analysis methods using descriptive analysis and marketing margin analysis. The results of this study are that there are 2 marketing channels, namely marketing channel I consisting of intermediary traders, large traders, and retail traders. Marketing channel II consists of large traders and retail traders. All marketing institutions perform different marketing functions, tailored to the needs of each marketing institution. The marketing margin on marketing channel I is Rp. 31.500/kg and on marketing channel II is Rp. 24.000/kg. Marketing costs in marketing channel I amounted to Rp. 6.186,17 / kg while marketing channel II amounted to Rp. 4.552,05 / kg.
Research Article
Open Access
Analysis of Added Value of Tempeh Agroindustry (Case Study of Karlim’s Tempeh Agroindustry in Sepande Village, Sidoarjo Regency)
Kiky Githa Ardania,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Prasmita Dian Wijayati
The aim of this research is: 1) Analyze the amount of profit generated and the profit level of Pak Karlim's Tempeh Agribusiness in Sepande Village, Sidoarjo Regency and 2) Analyze the amount of added value generated by Pak Karlim's Tempeh Agribusiness in Sepande Village. , Viceroyalty of Sidoarjo. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. Determination of selected locations by purposive sampling. The data used are primary and secondary data. Basic information for this research was obtained through observation and interviews with Karlim as the owner of the tempehh agro-industry. Secondary data was obtained from information provided by Sepande village officials and literature on research topics such as books, journals and previous research. Data collection techniques using interview and observation techniques. Analysis of the data used in this study is the analysis of results and analysis of R/C and added value analysis using the Hayami method. The results showed that the profit earned by Karim tempeh farming was Rp. 388.353 in each production process. The profitability of Pak Karlim's tempehh agribusiness is 1.26. R/C results with a value of > 1 indicate that Karlim's tempehh agroindustry can be further pursued and developed. The added value received by Pak Karlim's tempehh farming industry is Rp. 5.840/kg with an added value index of 31.14%, which means that the added value generated by the Karim tempehh agricultural industry is in the moderate added value category.
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Open Access
Analysis of Added Value of Milkfish Presto and Otak Agroindustry (Case Study Of Mbak Lina's Agro-Industry in Kedungluk Village, Sidoarjo Regency)
Noni Cornelasari,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Nisa Hafi Idhoh Fitriana

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This study aimed to 1) analyze the amount of profit and R/C ratio obtained from the presto milkfish agro-industry and Mbak Lina's brains in Kedungluk Village, Sidoarjo Regency and 2) analyze the amount of added value generated by the presto milkfish agro-industry and Ms. Lina in Kedungluk Village, Sidoarjo Regency. Location determination was chosen purposively (intentionally). Respondents were determined purposively (intentionally). Respondents in this study were agro-industry owners and 5 workers. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used in this research is profit analysis and R/C analysis as well as added value analysis using the Hayami method. The results of this study indicate that the profit earned by Mbak Lina's milkfish agroindustry is Rp. 1,767,863 every time during the production process. The R/C ratio for presto milkfish processing is 1.29 and for milkfish, otak-otak is 1.37. The results of the R/C showing a value > 1 indicate that Mbak Lina's milkfish agro-industry is profitable and feasible to develop. Added value through processing presto milkfish is Rp. 16,815 with an added value ratio of 25.86% and processing of milkfish otak-otak of Rp. 23,700 with an added value ratio of 31.60% Band of Rp. 7,820/kg with an added value ratio of 37.23% which indicates that the added value obtained by Ms. Lina's agro-industry is categorized as moderate added value.
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Open Access
The Effect of Grabfood E-Commerce on Consumer Purchase Decisions (Case Study: Kopi Konnichiwa Pakuwon Mall Surabaya)
Yehezkiel Andika,
Hamidah Hendrarini,
Nuriah Yuliati

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The growth of buying and selling transactions online in Indonesia is experiencing very rapid movement. (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021) stated that the types of goods most traded on E-Commerce in 2020 were the food, beverage and food ingredients group with a percentage of 40.86%. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO) coffee consumption in Indonesia has increased significantly every year, this is evidenced by the rise of coffee shops in Indonesia such as Kopi Konnichiwa. The aims of this research are 1) to identify the characteristics of consumers of Kopi Konnichiwa Pakuwon Mall Surabaya. 2) Describe and analyze the effect of service feature variables, discounts, product variety, and OVO payment methods on consumer decisions in buying Kopi Konnichiwa Pakuwon Mall Surabaya. In this study, the sample was taken using accidental sampling technique and obtained 100 respondents using the Lemeshow formula. The results of interviews with respondents were processed using descriptive analysis and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis using the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach. The results of this study are 1) The characteristics of Kopi Konnichiwa Pakuwon Mall Surabaya consumers are dominated by women, aged between 21-25 years, have a history of recent education at the high school (SMA) and undergraduate level, then most work as private employees and have a scale of income between IDR 1,000,000 – IDR 5,000,000. 2) Service features and price discounts only have a significant influence on consumer decisions in buying Kopi Konnichiwa, because it has a p-value <0.05.
Research Article
Open Access
Argopolitan Area Development Strategy Based on Increasing the Competitiveness of Leading Horticultural Commodities in Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency
Ery Pudyaningtyas,
Teguh Soedarto,
Hamidah Hendrarini

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The agropolitan concept proposed by Friedman and Douglass is a concept of rural development based on the village's potential. This research was conducted in Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency, considering that the research location is one of the development areas for the largest agropolitan area producing horticultural crops in Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province. The sampling technique in this study is with purposive sampling techniques, the selected samples are agropolitan areas, as well as stakeholders in Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency who understand and are competent with this research. Quantitative data from SWOT analysis was processed using Microsoft Excel 2016 with the scoring method. The results of this study are The strategy for developing agropolitan areas in Pacet District based on the SWOT diagram is located in quadrant I (Aggressive) and the strategy used is the S-O strategy (Strenght-Opportunities) which means that the strategy that can be applied is to use strengths and take advantage of existing opportunities.