The research conducted aims to analyze the influence of leadership style and organizational culture partially or simultaneously on the performance of teachers and employees of SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City. The population of this study were all teachers and staff at SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City, totaling 53 people, while the sample taken was 30 teachers at SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City. The results of the analysis through multiple linear regression show that the calculated F value > F Table value, namely 8.528 > 3.316 and it can be concluded that the Ho hypothesis is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be interpreted that Performance (Y) is influenced jointly by the variables Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2). Partially, the calculated t value of the Leadership Style variable (X1), is 2.192 and t Table is 2.052 so that t Table is smaller than the calculated t and it can be concluded that in this study Leadership Style (X1) is partially a factor that has a significant influence on Performance ( Y). Partially, the calculated t value of the Organizational Culture variable (X2) is 2.640 and t Table is 2.052 so that t Table is smaller than the calculated t and it can be concluded that in this study, Organizational Culture (X2) is partially a factor that has a significant influence on Performance ( Y).
In the current era of globalization, to realize good governance, human resources are needed who have competence in carrying out government administration, implementing development and providing services to the community. In an organization, humans, apart from being a resource, also act as implementers of various activities carried out by the organization. It is in this role as implementer that human resources have a huge contribution to the development of the organization concerned. The development of each function in the organization is ultimately determined by the performance of the employees whose role is to manage these functions.
To create human resources who have these competencies, it is necessary to increase the quality of professionalism, an attitude of dedication and loyalty to the profession, a spirit of unity and unity and self-development through education and training which are an inseparable part of the overall development of civil and private civil servants, including: inside is the teacher. In the world of education, the role of teachers has a big influence in developing students' potential to have spiritual strength for self-control, personality, skill and intelligence.
Teachers as a resource are the most important asset in the world of education because of their role as implementing subjects for school policies and operational activities. In order for a school to continue to exist, it must have the courage to face challenges and their implications, namely facing change and winning the competition. The resources owned by the school such as capital, methods and teaching materials cannot provide optimum results if they are not supported by human resources who have optimum performance.
An important factor that determines employee performance and the organization's ability to adapt to environmental changes according to (1,2&6 )s leadership . The word leader contains the meaning of directing, developing or managing, guiding and also showing or influencing. Leaders have a responsibility both physically and spiritually for the success of the work activities of those they lead, so becoming a leader is not easy and not everyone will be the same in carrying out their leadership.
The success of national education goals must pay attention to educational components, especially human resources (HR), which have a very important role in determining the success of schools in realizing educational goals. In developing schools, principals often focus on how to develop schools and improve the quality of students. Management of human resources, namely teachers, is still a big challenge. Even though there are often rumors about the importance of managing teacher performance in the school environment, it is rarely handled in a planned and focused manner, whether by the Ministry, the school or the teachers themselves.
Apart from leadership, the most critical factor that is seen to influence employee performance is organizational culture. Organizational culture is a pattern of basic assumptions discovered, created or developed by a particular group with the aim that the organization can overcome and overcome problems that arise due to external adaptation and internal integrity that have been running well enough so that this is needed by all levels of the organization. These elements are the basis for monitoring employee behavior, the way they think, work together and the way or how they interact with their environment. If the organizational culture is good, this will improve employee work performance and will contribute to success for the company.
Based on the problem formulation above, this research aims to:
Literature Review:
a. Performance
Performance is the result or level of a person's overall success during a certain period in carrying out tasks compared to standard work results, targets or objectives or criteria that have been determined in advance and have been mutually agreed upon (Rivai, 2004).
Every employee in carrying out their obligations or duties feels that the results of their work cannot be separated from the assessment of their superiors, either directly or indirectly. Performance appraisal is used to determine the performance of an employee. (Rivai, 2005:55) the benefits of performance appraisal are:
a. Benefits for employees assessed include:
Increase motivation
Increase job satisfaction
There is clarity on the standards of expected results
There is an opportunity to communicate upwards
Increased understanding of personal values
b. Benefits for appraisers
Increase job satisfaction
Opportunity to measure and identify
Trends in employee performance
Increase job satisfaction from both managers and employees.
As a means of increasing employee motivation
Can identify opportunities for employee rotation
c. Benefits for the company
Repair all units in the company
Improve the quality of communication
Increase overall employee motivation
b. Leadership Style
Leadership (leadership) (11) is the process of a manager to direct (directing) and influence (influencing) his subordinates in carrying out activities related to the tasks of his subordinates. influencing members to change attitudes, so that they become in line with the leader's desires. Leaders are expected to be able to mobilize all their abilities, both as individuals and as members of a team, to achieve organizational goals.
According to (8) leadership is the ability to motivate employees, organize the activities of other individuals, choose the most effective communication channels, or resolve conflicts between members. Leadership is a process of influencing in determining an organization, motivating the behavior of followers to achieve goals, influencing to improve the group and its culture (9).
Transformational leadership theory is based on the results of research regarding the existence of leadership behavior. These leaders are then categorized as transformational leaders who provide inspiration to other human resources in the organization to achieve something beyond what was planned by the organization.
The characteristics of transformation leaders differ from transaction leaders, namely that transaction leaders usually direct human resources to achieve something according to plan and rely more on legitimate power or formal authority for their leadership.
According to (3), transformational leadership is able to provide solutions in understanding what makes leaders have a great influence on their followers and the factors that make the performance of a number of small and large organizations sustainably successful.
Based on a number of reasons, Bass developed a new paradigm model of leadership called "transformational leadership" which is broader than the model proposed by Burns (1978). Bass explained that in transactional leadership, transactional leaders pursue cost benefits, namely economic exchanges to meet physical and material needs. If related to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, both transactional and transformational leadership both include a sense of the needs felt by followers, but it is the transformational leader who raises awareness of higher considerations through articulation and role modeling. Then the transformational leadership process usually includes upgrading the needs of its followers so that the transforming leader provides higher standards for performance and inspiring work achievements to achieve these standards.
Lako (3) states that the transformational leadership model essentially emphasizes that a leader, through his vision and energy, needs to motivate his subordinates to carry out their responsibilities beyond what they expect by: 1). Instilling a "sense of ownership" of the importance and value of their respective tasks, 2). Persuading subordinates to carry out their duties beyond their interests for the interests of the organizational team, or larger policies and 3). Elevating employee needs at a higher level than what they need, such as self-actualization.
c. Organizational culture
Organizational culture is a system of meaning, values and beliefs shared within an organization which becomes a reference for action and differentiates one organization from another. Organizational culture then becomes the main identity or character of the organization that is maintained and maintained (5).
(8) states that culture carries out a number of functions in an organization, namely:
Culture has a role in establishing boundaries, which means that culture creates clear distinctions between one organization and another.
Culture brings a sense of identity to organizational members.
Culture facilitates the emergence of commitment to something broader than one's personal interests.
Culture solidifies social systems, which means it is the social glue that helps unite an organization by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say and do.
Culture functions as a meaning-making and control mechanism that guides and shapes the attitudes and behavior of employees.
Reward system, namely the degree to which the allocation of rewards (salary increases, promotions) is based on employee achievement criteria as opposed to seniority, favoritism, and so on.
Tolerance for conflict, namely the degree to which employees are encouraged to express conflict and criticism openly.
Communication patterns, namely the degree to which organizational communication is limited by a formal hierarchy of authority.
This research is survey research. Survey research according to Umar (2008:44) is research conducted to obtain facts about the symptoms of problems that arise. The unit of analysis is teachers and employees of SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City as individuals.
Feasibility Test Questionnaire consisting of:
Validity test
Reliability Test
The Classical Assumption Test in this research includes:
Normality test
Multicollinearity Test
Heteroscedaticidity Test
c. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple regression analysis is used to determine the magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable using the SPSS for Windows 18.0 program. The variable relationship model to be analyzed is in accordance with the multiple linear regression equation according to Priyatno (2010: 61)
Hypothesis test:
t test
T count > t table or if the probability of error is less than 5% then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that the dependent variable can partially explain the independent variable and there is a significant influence between the two variables.
T count > t table or if the probability of error is less than 5% then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. This means that the dependent variable can partially explain the independent variable and there is no significant influence between the two variables.
In determining the significant level (α) and degrees of freedom, the significant level (α) used in this research is 5% or α = 0.05, while the value of the degrees of freedom (dk) is found using the formula n-1-k where n is the sample size and k is the number of independent variables.
F test
F count > F table or if the probability of error is less than 5% then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a significant influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable simultaneously. This means that variations of the regression model succeed in explaining the independent variables as a whole.
F count < F table or the error probability is more than 5% then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. This shows that there is no significant influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable simultaneously
Test Research Instruments
Validity test
The validity test is carried out to find out whether the measuring instrument that has been prepared can be used to measure what is to be measured accurately using the Product Moment Correlation method.
Table 2Validity Test Results
No. Items | R Table | Pearson Collation X1 | Information | |
Indicator 1 Leadership Style | ||||
1 |
0,361 | 0.579 | Valid | |
2 | 0,362 | Valid | ||
3 | 0.559 | Valid | ||
4 | 0.597 | Valid | ||
5 | 0,700 | Valid | ||
6 | 0.528 | Valid | ||
7 | 0.689 | Valid | ||
8 | 0.606 | Valid | ||
9 | 0.591 | Valid | ||
10 | 0.631 | Valid | ||
11 | 0,493 | Valid | ||
12 | 0.436 | Valid | ||
No. | R Table | Pearson Collation X2 | Information | |
Indicator 2 Organizational Culture | ||||
1 |
| 0.487 | Valid | |
2 | 0,418 | Valid | ||
3 | 0.238 | Invalid | ||
4 | 0.539 | Valid | ||
5 | 0,432 | Valid | ||
6 | 0.478 | Valid | ||
7 | 0,542 | Valid | ||
8 | 0.583 | Valid | ||
9 | 0.573 | Valid | ||
10 |
| 0.692 | Valid | |
No. | R Table | Pearson Collation Y | Information | |
Indicator 3 Performance | ||||
1 |
| 0,490 | Valid | |
2 | 0.734 | Valid | ||
3 | 0,416 | Valid | ||
4 | 0,406 | Valid | ||
5 | 0.617 | Valid | ||
6 | 0,334 | Invalid | ||
7 | 0.495 | Valid | ||
8 | 0.370 | Valid | ||
9 | 0,322 | Invalid | ||
10 | 0,490 | Valid | ||
11 | 0,239 | Invalid | ||
12 | 0.531 | Valid | ||
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From the results of the analysis, the correlation value between the item scores and the total score was obtained. We then compare this value with the r Table value, which was obtained at a significance level of 0.05 with a 2-sided test and the amount of data (n) = 30, so the obtained r Table is 0.361 . The results of the analysis showed that there was a correlation value of less than 0.361 so that the question items were considered invalid so they were canceled and not included in further analysis.
b. Reliability Test
After conducting a validity test on the results of the instrument trial, a reliability test was then carried out on the variables with valid question items. The instrument reliability test uses the Croanbach coefficient Alpha to show the stability and consistency of the measuring instrument.
Table 3 Reliability Test Results
Variable | Croanbach value Alpha | N Of Items |
Style (X1) | 0,782 | 12 |
Organizational Culture (X2) | 0,698 | 9 |
Performance (Y) | 0.668 | 9 |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From the results of the reliability test above, the Alpha values for leadership style (X1), organizational culture (X2), and performance (Y) are obtained as in Table 4.3. Because of the Croanbach value results The alpha value of the reliability test results is more than 0.6 , so it can be concluded that the research instrument items are reliable and can be continued to the next research stage.
2.Classic assumption test
a. Linearity Test
Linearity Test to determine whether two variables have a linear relationship or not significantly. The results of the linearity test can be seen in the following table:
Table 4 Linearity Test Results Leadership Style Variables
ANOVA Table | |||||||
| Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||
TOTAL PERFORMANCE * TOTALGK | Between Groups | (Combined) | 123, 900 | 10 | 12, 390 | 1, 464 | , 228 |
Linearity | 93, 307 | 1 | 93, 307 | 11, 025 | , 004 | ||
Deviation from Linearity | 30, 593 | 9 | 3, 399 | , 402 | , 919 | ||
Within Groups | 160, 800 | 19 | 8, 463 |
| ||
Total | 284, 700 | 29 |
Table 5 Linearity Test ResultsOrganizational Culture Variables
ANOVA Table | |||||||
| Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||
TOTAL PERFORMANCE * TOTALBO | Between Groups | (Combined) | 133, 450 | 10 | 13, 345 | 1, 676 | , 160 |
Linearity | 79, 659 | 1 | 79, 659 | 10,007 | , 000 | ||
Deviation from Linearity | 53, 791 | 9 | 5, 977 | , 751 | , 660 | ||
Within Groups | 151, 250 | 19 | 7, 961 |
| ||
Total | 284, 700 | 29 |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From the results of the table above, it is known that the significance value for linearity is 0.004 and 0.000. Because the significance is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded that between the Leadership Style and Organizational Culture variables on employee performance has a linear relationship.
b. Normality test
Table 6 Normality test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test | ||||
N | 30 | 30 | 30 | |
Normal Parameters a, b | Mean | 49, 90 | 35, 63 | 35, 90 |
Std. Deviation | 3, 916 | 3, 306 | 3, 133 | |
Most Extreme Differences | Absolute | , 137 | , 096 | , 146 |
Positive | , 137 | , 056 | , 089 | |
Negative | -, 086 | -, 096 | -, 146 | |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z | , 751 | , 527 | , 800 | |
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) | , 625 | , 944 | , 544 | |
a. Test distribution is Normal. | ||||
b. Calculated from data. |
Source: Processed Data
From Table 6 can be seen in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov column, the results show that all variables have a significance value greater than 0.05 or Sig > 0.05, for the leadership style variable amounted to 0.751, the organizational culture variable amounted to 0.527 and the employee performance variable amounted to 0.800, so it can be concluded that the dependent and independent variable data in this study is normally distributed.
c.Multicholine a rity Test
The Multicollinearity Test is used to determine whether or not there are deviations from the classic assumption of multicollinearity, namely the existence of a linear relationship between independent variables in the regression model. This test method is by looking at the inflation factor (VIF) value in the regression model as seen in Table 7. If the VIF value is <5 then it is stated that there is no multicollinearity problem.
Table 7 Multicollinearity Test
Coefficients a | ||||||||
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | Collinearity Statistics | |||
B | Std. Error | Beta | Tolerance | VIF | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 9, 733 | 6, 355 |
| 1, 532 | , 137 |
TOTALGK | , 321 | , 147 | , 401 | 2, 192 | , 037 | , 675 | 1, 481 | |
TOTALBO | , 285 | , 174 | , 300 | 2, 640 | , 113 | , 675 | 1, 481 | |
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL PERFORMANCE |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From Table 7 it can be seen that the variance inflation factor (VIF) value of the leadership style (X1) , organizational culture (X2) and Performance (Y) variables is smaller than 5, so it can be concluded that between these independent variables there is no multicollinearity problem.
d.Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test in this research uses the Spearman's Rho test, which is to correlate the residual value with each independent variable of leadership style (X1) and organizational culture (X2 ). If the significance of the correlation is less than 0.05 then the regression model has a heteroscedasticity problem.
Table 8 Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Correlations | |||||
Information | TOTALGK | TOTALBO | Unstandardized Residuals | ||
Spearman's rho | TOTALGK | Correlation Coefficient | 1,000 | , 559 ** | , 041 |
Sig. (2-tailed) | . | , 001 | , 830 | ||
N | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||
TOTALBO | Correlation Coefficient | , 559 ** | 1,000 | , 029 | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | , 001 | . | , 878 | ||
N | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||
Unstandardized Residuals | Correlation Coefficient | , 041 | , 029 | 1,000 | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | , 830 | , 878 | . | ||
N | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |
Source: SPSS Processed Data,
From the results of the heteroscedasticity test that was carried out, no heteroscedasticity problems were found in all independent variables in this study. This is based on the significance value obtained by the Unstandardized Residual value for leadership style (X1) and organizational culture is 0.838 and 0.878 . Because the correlation significance value is more than 0.05, it can be concluded that in this regression model there is no heteroscedasticity problem.
e. Autocorrelation Test
The autocorrelation test is used to determine whether or not there are deviations from the classic assumption of autocorrelation, namely the correlation that occurs between residuals and other observations in the regression model. The method used is the Durbin-Watson Test as seen in the following table:
Table 9 Autocorrelation Test Results
Model Summary b | ||||||
Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | Durbin-Watson | |
dimension0 | 1 | , 623 a | , 389 | , 343 | 2, 539 | 2, 480 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTALBO, TOTALGK | ||||||
b. Dependent Variable: TOTAL PERFORMANCE | ||||||
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From the results of the table above, the DW value resulting from the regression model is 1.538. Meanwhile, the data from the DW table (see attachment) has a significance of 0.05 and the amount of data (n) = 30, and k = 2 (k is the number independent variable), obtained a dL value of 1,284 and dU of 1,567.
1.Data analysis
Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression analysis. This multiple linear regression analysis is to determine the direction of the relationship between independent variables which are positive or negative and to predict the value of the dependent variable if the value of the independent variable increases or decreases. Analysis was carried out on the scoring results from the questionnaire submitted to 30 respondents. The results of the analysis can be seen in Table 10 .
Table 10 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Coefficients a | ||||||
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | ||
B | Std. Error | Beta | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 9, 73 3 | 6, 355 |
| 1, 532 | , 001 |
TOTALGK | , 321 | , 147 | , 401 | 2, 192 | , 000 | |
TOTALBO | , 285 | , 174 | , 300 | 2, 640 | , 001 | |
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL PERFORMANCE |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
The results of data analysis obtained a regression model or function for Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) as independent variables , so the regression function was obtained as follows:
Y = a + bX1+b X2+e
Y = 9,733 + 0 , 401 X1 +0 , 300 X2+0, 623
Y = Performance
α = constant
b 1 , b 2, … b n = regression coefficients
X 1 = Leadership Style
X 2 = Organizational Culture
From the regression function, there are several conclusions that can be put forward, namely:
If the leadership style (X1) and organizational culture (X2) factors are constant, then the performance (Y) is 9,733 .
If the leadership style factor (X1) is increased by one unit, and organizational culture (X2) is constant, then the amount of performance (Y) increases by 0.401 one unit.
If the organizational culture factor (X2) increases by one unit and the leadership style factor (X1) is constant, then the amount of performance (Y) increases by 0.300 one unit.
1.Test Simultaneously
the Multiple Regression F Test analysis are shown through the Analysis of Variance in the following table:
Table 11 F Test Results
ANOVA b | ||||||
Model | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
1 | Regression | 110, 643 | 2 | 55, 322 | 8, 582 | , 001 a |
Residual | 174, 057 | 27 | 6, 447 |
| |
Total | 284, 700 | 29 |
| |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTAL BO, TOTAL GK | ||||||
b. Dependent Variable: TOTAL PERFORMANCE |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
From Table 11 it is known that the calculated F value is 8.528 while the F Table value is 3,316 so it can be seen that the calculated F value > F Table value, namely 8,528 >3, 316 and it can be concluded that the Ho hypothesis is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be interpreted that Performance (Y) is influenced jointly by the variables Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2).
2.Test Partially
To find out whether the independent variable partially has a significant effect on the dependent variable, a t test is carried out. To find out whether the Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) factors have a partial (individual) influence or not on the Performance variable (Y) you can find out through a Partial Test (t Test) which can be seen in the following table:
Table 12 Partial Test Results
| ||||||
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | ||
B | Std. Error | Beta | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 9, 733 | 6, 355 |
| 1, 532 | , 001 |
TOTALGK | , 321 | , 147 | , 401 | 2, 192 | , 000 | |
TOTALBO | , 285 | , 174 | , 300 | 2, 640 | , 001 | |
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL PERFORMANCE |
Source: SPSS Processed Data
To determine the partial contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable, the calculated t value must be compared with the t table. The t table value can be found by determining the degree of freedom , namely (30-2-1) in a two-sided test of 0.025 so that the t table value is = 2.052.
Ho: Partially there is no significant influence between the independent variable (X n ) and performance (Y).
Ha: Partially there is a significant influence between the independent variable (X n ) and performance (Y).
Ho is accepted if –t Table <t Count <t Table, and Ho is rejected if t Table<t count or -t Count< -t Table. Next, testing was carried out on the leadership style (X1) , organizational culture (X2) and performance (Y) variables in this research. The results are as follows:
The Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) variables on Performance (Y) are as follows:.
The results of the partial analysis also show the dominant influence of the two independent variables on the dependent variable. Based on the results of the Standardized Coefficients, it is known that the beta value for total leadership style is 0.401 and the beta for total organizational culture is 0.300. This value shows that the leadership style variable (X1) is a variable that has a greater influence than the organizational culture variable ( X2) on performance (Y), because the beta value of organizational culture is greater than the beta value of leadership style (0.401>0.300).
3.Determination Test
Determination analysis in multiple linear regression is used to determine the percentage contribution of the influence of the independent variables (X 1 , X 2 , ……X n ) simultaneously on the dependent variable (Y). The results of the determination analysis in this research can be seen in Table 13 below:
Table 13 Determination Analysis
Model Summary | |||||
Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | |
dimension0 | 1 | , 623 a | , 389 | , 343 | 2, 539 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTALBO, TOTALGK | |||||
Source: SPSS Processed Data
To determine the percentage contribution of the Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) variables simultaneously to the variables on Performance (Y), determination analysis (R 2 ) is used. Based on the Model Summary Table above, the figure obtained (R 2 ) is 0.632 or (63.2%). This shows that the influence of Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) simultaneously on the Performance variable (Y) is 63.2% and the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.
4.Coefficient Test
This analysis is used to determine the relationship between two or more independent variables and the dependent variable simultaneously.
Table 14 Multiple Correlation Analysis
Model Summary | |||||
Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | |
dimension0 | 1 | , 623 a | , 389 | , 343 | 2, 539 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTALBO, TOTALGK | |||||
Source: SPSS Processed Data
Based on the results of the Multiple Correlation Analysis Results Table, the R number is 0.389, so this shows that there is a fairly strong relationship between Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) on Performance (Y).
The results of the simultaneous test (F test) show that simultaneously (together) the variables of leadership style (X1) and organizational culture (X2) are jointly influenced by the performance variable (Y) at SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City.
Partial test results (t) show that employee performance at SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City is influenced by leadership style (X1). Partially, job satisfaction of employees at SMK Negeri 4 Pontianak City is also influenced by the organizational culture variable (X2), but the leadership style variable (X1) is the dominant variable that has the most influence on job satisfaction.
There is a fairly strong relationship between leadership style (X1), organizational culture (X2) and performance (Y) . The influence of Leadership Style (X1) and Organizational Culture (X2) simultaneously on the Performance variable (Y) is 63.2% and the remainder is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.
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