This study aims to examine the influence of social media marketing and service quality on customer loyalty through consumer satisfaction as a mediating/intervening variable in the case of the Crepes Kite MSME in Desa Kapur. The author seeks to determine the extent to which these marketing factors affect the sustainability of Crepes Kite, which once had 8 branches and now has only 1 outlet remaining. In this study, each variable will be tested individually to understand the direct influence of social media marketing and service quality on loyalty, as well as the indirect influence of the independent variables through consumer satisfaction on customer loyalty. The research sample consists of 100 visitors who have visited Crepes Kite more than once. The method used in this study is path analysis, which is an extension of multiple linear regression. The results of this study include: (1) there is a significant direct influence of social media marketing and service quality on customer loyalty, (2) there is an indirect influence of social media marketing through consumer satisfaction on customer loyalty at Crepes Kite Desa Kapur, and (3) there is no indirect influence of service quality through consumer satisfaction on customer loyalty.
In today's modern business world, intense competition often leads to the dominance of large market shares. A commercial view that is solely oriented towards maximum profit with minimal capital is often irrelevant for business continuity in this era. The MSME sector, especially in the culinary sector, is a significant contributor to Indonesia's creative economy GDP, with a contribution of 41% or around 410 trillion rupiah (quoted on January 16, 2023). The stability of the culinary industry in Indonesia in recent years shows the great potential of this sector, but challenges and fierce competition remain obstacles that must be faced by business actors.
In facing these challenges, innovation through the use of social media as a promotional medium is an important key. The use of social media is expected to help MSMEs develop, improve service quality, and attract consumer loyalty which has a positive impact on business continuity.
In the Islamic view, business activities are not only aimed at making a profit, but also accompanied by the intention of worship. The principles of muamalah in Islam, including positive and negative activity in its processes and objects, govern the halal and haram of a trade. In the context of marketing, the implementation of Islamic sharia includes promotion through social media and service quality. Allah SWT said in QS. An-Nisa 4: Verse 29:
ٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَا تَأْكُلُوْٓا اَمْوَالَكُمْ بَيْنَكُمْ بِالْبَاطِلِ اِلَّآ اَنْ تَكُوْنَ تِجَارَةً عَنْ تَرَاضٍ مِّنْكُمْ ۗ وَلَا تَقْتُلُوْٓا اَنْفُسَكُمْ ۗ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيْمًا
Meaning: O believers, do not eat the property of your neighbor in an unrighteous way, except in the form of consensual commerce among you. Thou shalt not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is merciful to you (1)
Which is based on the essence of the verse above, it can be implemented in the use of social media as a marketing medium must be in the corridor of Islamic teachings so as not to cause mudharat, and buying and selling transactions must be consensual in terms of service and promotion carried out by sellers to buyers. This is a guideline for business actors to be careful when utilizing social media as a marketing medium for their products. It often happens in the field of business actors who use social media as a marketing medium without paying attention to the suitability of the original product with the visuals promoted through social media. Business actors must present photos or videos that match the original product when promoting products on social media, so that customer expectations are in accordance with what they expect when buying the product and do not feel deceived or disadvantaged.
Social media can be interpreted as an online platform to make it easier for us to communicate with others (2). In today's modern era, information spreads very quickly in just minutes, we can access many things on the internet, including social media. Social media can be used for marketing media for business actors in the form of visual images, text and video to reach a wider target market or consumers This allows reaching a wider target market, increasing competitiveness and business continuity.
The quality of service is usually very influential on consumer satisfaction which will influence consumers to be interested in visiting again to buy a product. As a form of first assessment when the quality of service felt by consumers is felt as expected, the quality of service can be said to be good and satisfactory. Therefore, the presentation of products or services must be in accordance with company standards to present the best in order to form customer loyalty that causes repurchase decision behavior, recommend products to the closest people, and commit not to switch to other products. This will have an impact on the survival of a business and make customers not switch to other products or brands.
Crepes snacks are snacks originating from France, whose main raw materials are made of flour, milk and other additives, which are cooked with a circular tool with a crunchy texture and given various flavors on top and can be folded. Crepes are loved by various groups, from children, teenagers, and adults. With a price range that includes friendly pockets in all circles, so as to attract customers. One of the MSMEs "Crepes Kite" located in Kapur Village, Kubu raya, since 2022 which once had eight branches but now only has one outlet left. The main challenges faced are marketing, quality of service, and quality of food served. Increased competition demands effective marketing strategies, including promotion through social media and improved service quality to attract and retain consumers.
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of social media, marketing, and service quality on customer loyalty through consumer satisfaction as a mediating variable. Although similar studies are widely conducted, what distinguishes this study from previous studies is that it provides a more comprehensive discussion of the determinants of customer loyalty and considers two mediating variables that influence the relationship.
(1) conducted a study entitled "Analysis of the Effect of Product Quality and Social Media Marketing on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Lawoek Kopi Temanggung". With consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable, this study examines how social media marketing and product quality affect customer loyalty. This research is a type of associative quantitative that examines how two or more variables relate to each other. To do this, statistical methods are used and hypotheses are tested on numerical data. The results of this study include: product quality and social media marketing significantly affect consumer satisfaction and loyalty; High-quality products directly affect consumer loyalty, while social media marketing does not affect consumer loyalty.
(2) conducted a study entitled "The Effect of Service Quality and Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervention Variable (Sharia Perspective Study on Trenggalek Nirmala Food and Beverages". with the aim of evaluating the influence of service quality and product quality on purchasing decisions. The main findings of the study are as follows: The quality of services and products directly influences consumer purchasing decisions; Product quality through consumer satisfaction influences consumer purchasing decisions; And the quality of service through customer satisfaction also influences consumer purchasing decisions.
(21) conducted a study to find out how promotion and product quality affect customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research shows that customer satisfaction has a significant and positive influence on the promotion itself, which shows that customer loyalty has a significant and positive influence on the promotion variables themselves.
(4) conducted a study entitled "The Effect of Product Quality, Price Perception, Promotion, Location, Service Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at Bebek Kaleo Restaurant, Tebet, South Jakarta during the Covid-19 Pandemic". This study analyzes the effect of product quality, price perception, promotion, location, and service quality on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Bebek Kaleo Restaurant, Tebet, South Jakarta. The data was collected through a survey conducted by chance in October 2020. Path Analysis Method for analyzing data. Results show that the quality of location products and services does not affect consumer loyalty, and promotions and satisfaction greatly affect consumer loyalty. All independent variables can affect consumer loyalty directly without interfering with consumer satisfaction.
(19) conducted a Study "The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction (Study "On Users of Special Express Mail Delivery Services of Pt. Pos Indonesia in the City" Semarang" conducted by Fitria Larasati1 and Sri Suryoko in 2020. The purpose of this study is to determine "direct and indirect influences between Service Quality, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty. This explicit study involved a sample of 100 people who used PT. Pos Indonesia in Semarang City. This study was conducted using the Partial Least Square analysis technique. The results of the "direct influence test between service quality" and "indirect influence test between service quality" and "this research model showed positive influence results" were significant, while the results of the "direct influence test between service quality and "brand image on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction also showed positive results".
From the background above, the author took the title of the study "The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Service Quality, on Customer Loyalty through Consumer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (Study of Islamic Economic Perspective Studies on MSMEs Crepes Kite Kapur Village)".
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a type of media on the internet that allows its users to communicate, cooperate, share, interact, and build virtual social relationships (6) state that marketing is the process of creating value for customers and building strong relationships with them to get good value from customers in return. (7) stated that marketing is the process of building a strong relationship with customers by showing the best in order to get a good assessment from customers,
According to Adam (2015), promotion is a marketing action that involves conveying information about the company and its goods to consumers, which generates demand. The author concludes that social media can be considered as an online platform that allows us to communicate remotely and can be used by business people as a marketing medium in the form of images, text, and videos to reach a wide target market. Thus, they can attract and increase customer loyalty in today's internet age.
As for the social media indicators of maketing:
The photos and videos shared attract the attention of the target market.
Price and taste match in photos and videos shared during promotion on social media
The visuals shared affect the target market's interest in buying
Consumers can ask questions or submit suggestions and complaints
Service Quality
Kotler (2019) states that service quality is the level of service received by consumers which will be assessed by consumers whether the level of service received is as expected. Service quality is positively correlated with customer satisfaction, which leads to increased business profits (Baskara et al., 2021). Tjiptono (2014) also stated that service quality consists of efforts to meet customer needs and desires and ensure that services are delivered quickly to meet customer expectations. All the company's resources are used to improve the quality of service, and the company pays great attention to this. Based on some of the definitions above, researchers conclude that service quality is the presentation of a product or service that is pursued as well as possible so that the services provided are as expected by consumers. In practice, service quality has its own characteristics, and almost all companies use the same criteria to determine the characteristics of good service. The quality of service received is very good if the service is obtained or felt in accordance with its designation. Consumers who set personal goals are more likely to make repeat purchases and stay true to the product.
In Hilaliyah's research (2017) there are several indicators of service quality, including the following:
Realibility (kehandalan)
That is the ability to perform services on time as promised, usually with service that is not long-winded and there are no mistakes.
That is the initiative of employees to provide services to customers when they need help, then customers feel given excellent service.
Assurance (jaminan)
Provide confidence to customers with the guarantee of a product offered so that customers do not have doubts and feel safe from any risks.
Study the attitudes of people in contact with companies and individuals to understand customer needs and problems, effective communication, personal attention, and ease of communication and relationships.
Responsible for the cleanliness and physical apiness of employees and transaction places.
(7) define loyalty as a strong commitment to buy or re-endorse a preferred good or service in the future, even though customer changes can be caused by situational factors and marketing efforts. Loyal consumers can be seen from various attitudes and behaviors, such as the ability to buy products from other places, recommend to others, commitment to continue buying these products, buy repeatedly, and more (8). Consumer loyalty is a term used to describe consumer commitment to a brand or retail supplier that comes from a very positive and consistent attitude in making repeat purchases (6,7), suggesting customer loyalty indicators can be seen from:
Loyalty to product purchases
Resistance to negative influences regarding the company
Referencing the existence of the company
Customer Satisfaction
According to (9), satisfaction includes overall customer attitudes or behaviors towards the services they receive as well as customers' emotional reactions to differences in fulfilling their desires, desires, and goals. Customer satisfaction is when customer desires, performance, and expectations are met, which will lead to repeat purchases and loyalty (10). The purchasing power of goods and services remains stable in the market when there is customer loyalty.
According to (Anggraini &; Budiarti, 2020), consumer satisfaction indicators can be seen from, among others:
Performance as expected
Corresponding fees
Recommend products to the closest party
Key considerations in choosing the same product
Affordable access
From the opinions of these experts, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is defined as the difference and conformity between consumer expectations and the results received from a service.
Service Quality and Marketing in an Islamic Perspective
In an Islamic perspective, the marketing sector is a sector of fulfilling the permissible needs of life, as long as it is done in the right way to avoid harm. Islam itself does not prohibit buying and selling and does not have an antimainstream view of technological developments. In the Islamic view, social media is not forbidden, rather, the law is changed because there is no reason to forbid it. Social media by MSME players is used as a forum for business promotion. So in this case social media brings benefits to MSMEs. Where the use of social media must be in accordance with the provisions of Islamic shari'a such as not containing elements of maysir (fraud), gharar (obscurity), not containing hoaxes and on a consensual basis in buying and selling transactions. As a Muslim, the Book of Isa is guided by Q.S An-Nisa Verse 29 which based on the essence of the verse, can be implemented in the use of social media as a marketing medium must be in the corridor of Islamic teachings so as not to cause mudharat, and buying and selling transactions must be consensual in terms of service and promotion carried out by sellers to buyers. This is a guideline for business actors to be careful when utilizing social media as a marketing medium for their products. It often happens in the field of business actors who use social media as a marketing medium without paying attention to the suitability of the original product with the visuals promoted through social media. Business actors must present photos or videos that match the original product when promoting products on social media, so that customer expectations are in accordance with what they expect when buying the product and do not feel deceived or disadvantaged.
In a hadith it is stated: "Hakim bin Nazam said: The Prophet said, "The seller and the buyer have equal voting rights before separation. If they are honest and willing to explain (the condition of the goods), they will get blessings in their trade. And if they lie and cover up, their blessings of sale will be removed." (HR. Al-Bukhari). In relation to the above hadith, Husna said that every entrepreneur is encouraged to consider service and satisfaction of others rather than just seeking profit and selfishness. Islam teaches great compassion and concern for the welfare of others, especially those who are less fortunate (Husna, 2020).
Islamic Views on Customer Loyalty
As Muslims who believe, we believe that we are truly believers that God is one and only Allah is the god of hosts, It is a form of loyalty as a Muslim not only from words but with an action, such as carrying out what has been commanded and avoiding His false prohibitions. 'Surely those who believe are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then they do not hesitate and they fight (jihad) with their property and souls in the way of Allah. They are the righteous.' Quite clearly the verse mentions how loyal a Muslim is in the view of Islam. In terms of buying and selling, loyalty is illustrated by the customer's commitment not to switch to another product, as seen from repeated purchases formed from perceived satisfaction.
2.1. Variable Identification
According to Sugiyono (2008), variables can be defined as characteristics, properties, or values of individuals, objects, or activities that have certain variables set by researchers to be studied and obtained conclusions. Where these factors are reflected in the formulation of hypothetical problems include:
Independent variables are variables that exert influence on other variables. An independent variable, in the context of research and statistics, is a variable that is manipulated or altered by the researcher to observe its effect on another variable called the dependent variable. The independent variable is often thought of as the cause or factor that influences the outcome, while the dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured.that is:
Social Media Marketing as X1
Quality of Service as X2
Intervening variables are variables that theoretically influence the relationship between the independent variable with the dependent variable being a relationship that is not directly. Tuckman (in Sugiyono, 2007). This variable is an interrupter variable that lies between the independent and dependent variables, so that the independent variable does not directly affect the change or emergence of the dependent variable. The intervening variable (Z) is Customer satisfaction
Dependent variables are variables whose existence is influenced by independent variables, Sugiyono (2009: 59), namely: The dependent variable (Y) is customer loyalty.
Consumers aged 17 - 40 years.
2.2 Data Types and Sources
This study will conduct associative quantitative research that examines the relationship between two or more variables using statistical methods and testing hypotheses on numerical data. Primary data is the type of data used in this study and collected directly by researchers or data collectors (11). Data collection using questionnaire or questionnaire methods used through Google Forms. According (11), questionnaires or questionnaires are data collection methods used to convey a number of written questions or sentences to the surveyed person. To find respondents to this study, the outlet "Crepes Kite" in Kapur Village was directly visited. People who come to the outlet voluntarily are given a direct questionnaire before being questioned according to the available features.
2.3 Data Collection Techniques
To assess the attitudes, views, and perceptions of a person or group, the Likert scale is used to indicate how agree or disagree a person is with an object.
Table 3.1 Scale Likert
Category | Scores/Scores | Interval |
Strongly Agree (SS) | 5 | 100% - 80% |
Agree (S) | 4 | 79,99% - 60% |
Neutral (N) | 3 | 59,99% - 40 % |
Disagree (TS) | 2 | 39,99% - 20% |
Strongly Disagree (STS) | 1 | 19,99% - 0% |
According to Sugiyono (2008: 132), this method is used to assess the perspective, attitude, and perception of a person or group of people towards social phenomena. The response value for each statement is calculated using the Likert scale.
2.4 Populasi
A population is a mixture of all elements, such as events, objects, or people that have similar characteristics (Ferdinand 2014). Visitors to Crepes Kite living in Kapur Village, Kuburaya Regency were the subjects of this study.
2.5 Sample
Purposive sampling is the sampling method used. Both the number and characteristics of the population comprise the sample. The population sample must be authentic or representative (Sugiyono, 2016).
The characteristics of respondents in this study are as follows:
Consumers who come and buy more than once to Crepes Kite Limestone Village.
Since the population of this study is unknown or uncertain, Lameshow's formula is as follows:
n = Z². P(1-P)
n : Number of samples searched
Z : Z score at 95% confidence = 1.96
P : Maximum Estimate
d : Alpha (0.10) or 10% sampling error
Based on this formula, the number of samples used is:
n = 1.96² . 0,5 ( 1 – 0,5)
( 0.10 ) ²
n = 95.04 , then rounded to 100 respondents
2.6 Research Instrument Test
a) Validity Test
The validity test is used to find out whether the questionnaire is valid or not. According to Ghozali (2016), a survey is considered valid if the questions can reveal the metric it is intended to measure. Item correlation can be used to determine the level of validity. The correlation between an item and its total score can be calculated using the moment turnover correlation formula. According to (11), data must be valid to measure what should be measured. If the significant value of the correlation table for each question item is less than 0.05, then the data is considered valid.
b) Reliability Test
The reliability test carried out in this study is with the intention of knowing how much the level of validity is so that it can produce data that is really in accordance with reality and can be used repeatedly at different times. According to (12), to find out whether or not the instrument is reliable, various techniques can be used using the Alpha formula. All calculations will be used to determine the reliability of the instrument from each questionnaire item. If the results of statistical tests in the table show a Cronbach Alpha value greater than 0.7, then the questionnaire items of the questions for each variable are considered reliable.
2.7 Classical Assumption Test
a) Test Normality Test
A normality test is performed to determine if each variable has a normal distribution. The data were tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test. A residue is considered normal if it has a significance value greater than 0.05. In this study, the Kolomogorov-Smirnov single-sample method was used to test normality. The significance value of the data is used to determine whether the data is normal or not. It is possible that the data in this study are normally distributed if the significance value is greater than 0.05, and vice versa. A good distribution pattern is shown if the data widens around the diagonal line and then moves towards the diagonal line. And by looking at the histogram, the shape of the bell indicates that the data is normally distributed.
b) Multicollinearity Test
One of the goals of the multicollinearity test is to find out if there is a correlation between independent variables in the regression model (12). If there is no correlation between independent variables, the regression model can be considered valid. An independent variable that has a correlation value equal to zero (0) between other independent variables is called an orthogonal variable. A correlated independent variable indicates that the variable is not orthogonal. There are various methods that can be used to determine if there is multicollinearity in this regression model. This study tested the correlation matrix between independent variables by looking at the value of tolerance and variable inflation factors (VIF).
c) Heteroskedasticity test
A heteroscedasticity test is performed to find out whether the regression model experiences inequality or inequality in residual variance from one observation to another. In other words, this test is carried out to find out whether the regression model experiences inequality or inequality in residual variance from one observation to another (12). No heteroscedasticity is a good result of regression models. According to (12), the Park test method can be used to identify heteroscedasticity in this study by progressing residual values with each independent variable.
The criteria for Park's test according to Ghozali (2016; 142) are as follows:
If the probability value > 5% (0.05) then it is said that no symptoms of heteroscedasticity occur.
Symptoms of heteroskedasticity occur if the probability value is less than 5% (0.05).
Homoscedasticity occurs when existing dots form a specific pattern, such as waves, widen, or narrow. However, when the dots spread above and below the number 0 on the Y-axis without forming a specific pattern, heteroscedasticity does not occur
2.8 Uji Path Analysis
Path analysis is a technique used to analyze relationships between variables where the purpose of this analysis is to determine the direct or indirect influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. According to (12), path analysis is an extension of multiple linear regression analysis to estimate causal relationships that exist between variables that have been determined based on existing theories. By conducting two path coefficient analysis models, the results of the first path coefficient obtained a significant value of the independent variable < 0.05, it can be concluded that the variable has a significant effect and the value of the coefficient of determination which will explain what percentage of the influence of variables X1 and X2 on Y. In this one equation is using a multiple linear regression model that explains the hypothesis directly of the independent variable (X) against the dependent variable (Y). In the second path coefficient analysis, it is obtained how much influence the variables X1 and X2 indirectly through variable Y on variable Z. Path calculation explains the relationship between independent variables of social media marketing and service quality, either directly or indirectly on customer loyalty (Y) through intervening variables, namely consumer satisfaction (Z).
3.1 Result
Validity and Reliability Test Results
It can be seen that each of the results of the statistical output above, the N corresponds to the number of samples of 100 respondents, it can be seen that the significant value of all questionnaire question items for each variable < 0.05. Then it is said that the data is valid.
From the statistical reliability table above, Cronbach's alpha value > 0.7 on each variable, it can be said that all question items from the variables of social media marketing, service quality, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction are valid and reliable.
Classical Assumption Test
a) Normality Test
The method used in this study to assess the normality of the data is P-P Plot Normal plot analysis. If the data widens around the diagonal line then follows the direction of the diagonal line, then it shows a good distribution pattern. It can be seen that the points on the P-Plot above widen around the diagonal line and then follow the direction of the diagonal line, thus showing a good distribution pattern. Secondly, by looking at the histogram, it can be seen in the histogram image above shaped like a bell, then the data is said to be normally distributed.
Uji Multikolinieritas
The VIF value shows the variable value of social media marketing and service quality of 0.613 > 0.1, it can be concluded that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity.
c) Heteroskedasticity Test
It can be seen in the scatterplot above, the points spread to the etas and down, left and right sides, so it can be said that heteroskedasticity does not occur.
The second step can be by looking at the significant value in the table, the significant value of social media marketing of 0.254 > 0.05. The significant value of service quality is 0.262 > 0.05. A significant satisfaction value of 0.685 > 0.05 then heteroskedasticity does not occur.
Path Analysis Test Results (Path Analysis)
a) Model I Path Coefficient
The significant values of both variables are X1 = 0.00 and X2 = 0.01 < 0.05. So it can be concluded that regression of model I, namely variables X1 and X2 has a significant effect on Y. Thus H0 is rejected and H1 and H2 are accepted.
The magnitude of the R2 value is 0.470. This shows that the contribution of X1 and X2 to Y is 47%, while the remaining 53% is influenced by other variables that were not included in the study. To find the value of e1 can use the formula e1 = √((1-0,470))=0,73
b) Model II Line Coefficient
Sumber : Hasil SPSS 27 (Diolah, 2024)
zhe significance values of the variables X1 = 0.026 and X2 = 0.005 < 0.05 which means that the variables X1 and X2 have a significant effect on Z. Thus the hypothesis of H3 and H4 is accepted. And the significant value of the loyalty variable = 0.07 > 0.05 It can be concluded that the hypothesis H5 is rejected, so it can be concluded that the variable Y has no significant effect on Z.
The magnitude of the R2 value in the table is 0.420, this shows that the contribution of X1, X2, and Y to Z is 42% while the remaining 58% is influenced by other variables that were not included in the study. Meanwhile, for the value of e2 = .√((1-0,420))=0,76
Test Hypotheses and Draw Conclusions:
a) Analysis of the effect of X1 through Y on Z
It is known that the direct influence of the coefficient of the model I path given by X1 on Z is (0.247)2 = 0.061. While the indirect influence of X1 through Y on Z is the multiplication between the value of beta X1 against y with beta Y against Z, namely: 0.421 × 0.196 = 0.082. So the total influence given by X1 on Z is a direct influence plus an indirect influence, namely: 0.061 + 0.082 = 0.143. Based on the calculation results, it is known that the value of the indirect influence of X1 on Z (0.082) is greater than the direct influence of X1 on Z (0.061). So it can be concluded that indirectly X1 has a significant effect on Z through Y. (H6 received)
b) Analysis of the effect of X2 through Y on Z
It is known that the direct effect of the coefficient of the model I path given by X2 on Z is (0.306)2 = 0.093. While the indirect influence of X2 through Y on Z is the multiplication between the beta value of X2 against y with beta Y on Z, namely: 0.339 × 0.196 = 0.066. Then the total effect given by X2 on Z is: 0.093 + 0.066 = 0.159. Based on the calculation results, it is known that the value of the indirect influence of X2 on Z (0.066) is smaller than the direct influence of X2 on Z (0.093). So, it can be concluded that indirectly X2 has no significant effect on Z through Y. (H7 is rejected.
Based on the results of the test above, conclusions can be drawn (1) There is a direct significant influence of social media marketing and service quality on customer loyalty; (2) there is a direct influence of Social Media Marketing, Service Quality on customer satisfaction; (3) there is no direct effect of Loyalty on Customer Satisfaction; (4) indirectly Social Media Marketing has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction through Customer Loyalty; (5) indirectly Service Quality does not have a significant effect on Customer satisfaction through Customer Loyalty.
Based on the conclusions above, several suggestions were obtained that can be useful and useful as consideration for "Crepes Kite" in the future, namely it is recommended that management improve or maintain product quality, accelerate services, and increase the use of social media to affect business sustainability. Researchers suggest that Crepes Kite can make customers curious about new product flavor variants or best sellers in the future based on customer statements about Crepes Kite promotional photos or videos Lime Village. Based on respondents' recapitulation, the quality of Crepes Kite's services is mostly very good, but more improvement is still needed. Researchers suggest that promotion on Facebook be increased to reach a wider target market. If the findings of this study are used by other researchers as reference and knowledge, it is better to use variables outside the study (such as location, product quality, or price) to find out what factors influence each other for further research.
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